Klamath Falls Skatepark, Oregon (The Ultimate Guide)

Oregon is known for its strong skateboarding culture. You may immediately think of Portland, but smaller cities like Klamath Falls are just as notable for their skating scenes. Look no further than Klamath Falls Skatepark for one of the best skateparks in Oregon.

Klamath Falls Skatepark spans 22,500 square feet and features four bowls. It is mostly a transition and vert skatepark but also features street skating elements like ledges and rails. You must wear a helmet at Klamath Falls Skatepark; pads aren’t required, but they are recommended because the skateable surfaces are concrete.

Bike riders, scooter riders, and rollerbladers are welcome at the skatepark. Dreamland built the park, and it holds up to the level of quality they are known for. Follow along as we deep dive into Klamath Falls Skatepark and highlight what makes it so special.

Quick Skatepark Details

Address  4500 Foothills Blvd, Klamath Falls, OR 97603
Location Klamath Falls, Oregon
Park Hours Mon-Fri: 3:00 PM- 6:00 PM, Sat: 12:00 PM- 5:00 PM, Sun: CLOSED
Park Lights No
Admission Fees Free
Park Supervised Yes
Phone (541) 850-9571
Park Opened 2003
Helmets & Safety Gear Helmets: Required, Pads: Recommended
Riding Devices Allowed Skateboards, BMX, Scooter, Rollerblades
Riding Devices Not Allowed Motorized Devices & Vehicles
Skatepark Builder Dreamland
Skatepark Material Concrete & Metal Rails
Size 22,500 Square Feet
Skatepark Website Information No Website

Where Is Klamath Falls Skatepark?

Klamath Falls Skatepark is in Klamath Falls, Oregon.

Klamath Falls Skatepark Address: 4500 Foothills Blvd, Klamath Falls, OR 97603

Do You Have To Pay To Get Into Klamath Falls Skatepark?

You don’t have to pay to get into Klamath Falls Skatepark. The park has been free since it opened in 2003.

What Are The Hours at Klamath Falls Skatepark?

It’s important to check the hours for Klamath Falls Skatepark before you visit. Klamath Falls Skatepark is lumped in with Steen Sport Park as it’s one of the facilities on the properties. The skatepark falls under the same hours as the rest of the park.

Monday through Friday, the skatepark is open from 3:00 PM to 6:00 PM. Klamath Falls Skatepark is open from 12:00 PM to 5:00 PM on Saturdays and closed on Sundays. The limited hours can be confusing, so it’s worthwhile to check online or refer to this guide before you head to the park for the day.

How Do You Get Into the Park?

Klamath Falls Skatepark is part of the bigger Steen Sport Park. It’s easy to find Klamath Falls Skatepark because of the surrounding sports fields on the property. There are plenty of parking spots in the area that make it easy to get into the skatepark.

If you can’t find a spot right by the skatepark, you can always park by the baseball field. Once you park, you can simply walk into the skatepark because there is no admission booth to check into as admission is free.

Klamath Falls Skatepark Rundown

While there are street skating obstacles at Klamath Falls Skatepark, it’s mostly made up of transition obstacles. Klamath Falls Skatepark is a transitions skater’s paradise as there are four bowls at the park. The bowls have swimming-pool style coping which can be tricky to get used to if you have limited bowl experience.

One of the bowls has an over vert pocket which requires skill to shred. There is also a nice cradle which is the highest point in the park. You can also find a few street skating elements, such as ledges, hubbas, and rails, but they make up the smallest part of the skatepark.

What Material Is the Park Made of?

Klamath Falls Skatepark is made almost entirely out of smooth concrete. There are metal rails and coping, but every other skateable surface is made of concrete, such as the bowls and ledges.

How Busy Does It Get?

Luckily, Klamath Falls Skatepark doesn’t get too busy. There are only roughly 22,000 residents in Klamath Falls, Oregon. While skaters from surrounding cities visit the park, the skatepark never gets overly crowded. The park’s 22,500 square feet of skateable surfaces make it easy to navigate crowds if it gets busy.

Is Klamath Falls Skatepark Beginner-Friendly?

Klamath Falls Skatepark is beginner-friendly, but not every obstacle is ideal for beginners. The bowls are challenging for beginners, but the one with a roll-in is easier to shred. Stick to the shallow parts of the bowl to get used to transition skating if you don’t have much experience.

Are Helmets Required?

Helmets are required at Klamath Falls Skatepark. You aren’t required to wear pads at the park, but they recommend that you do. Wearing a helmet and pads at Klamath Falls Skatepark is a good idea because the bowls and transition elements are steep and tricky.

Does Klamath Falls Skatepark Have Lights?

Klamath Falls Skatepark doesn’t have lights. However, the park closes at 6:00 PM on most days, and as early as 5:00 PM on Saturdays. You won’t ever have to navigate the park in darkness unless you visit the park after hours, which is illegal and carries penalties.

Do They Have Rental Equipment?

They don’t currently offer rental equipment at Klamath Falls Skatepark as there is no on-site shop. You can find some skateboarding and BMX gear at Big 5 Sporting Goods and Klamath Basin Sports.

Can You Ride BMX at Klamath Falls Skatepark?

You can ride BMX at Klamath Falls Skatepark. While there are no rules against metal pegs, you should be careful with them at the park. Metal pegs can scrape up the ledges on hubbas and damage the bowl coping. Because of that, it’s best to use plastic pegs or apply wax to the coping before you grind on metal pegs.

Can You Ride a Scooter at Klamath Falls Skatepark?

Scooters are allowed at Klamath Falls Skatepark. However, I recommend that you exercise caution when riding a scooter. The park consists primarily of transition obstacles like challenging bowls that can be tricky to navigate on a scooter.

Can You Ride Rollerblades at Klamath Falls Skatepark?

You can ride rollerblades at Klamath Falls Skatepark, and it’s quite common. The ledges and rails are low enough to reach them on rollerblades. Rollerblades don’t work quite as well in bowls, but you can shred a bowl with rollerblades if you are careful and experienced.

Can You Ride a Longboard at Klamath Falls Skatepark?

I don’t recommend riding a longboard at Klamath Falls Skatepark, but it is allowed. The main downside of riding a longboard at Klamath Falls Skatepark is that you won’t have much to do. Many of the most common longboard tricks require flat ground, and you won’t find much of that at this skatepark.

Is There Wi-Fi at the Park?

There is no Wi-Fi at Klamath Falls Skatepark. The area generally has good cellular service, so you can rely on cellular data or another skater’s Wi-Fi hotspot in case of emergency.

The History of Klamath Falls Skatepark

Klamath Falls Skatepark’s history dates to 2000. Local skaters encouraged city officials to build a skatepark. The city responded positively and approved the skatepark, but deciding on a budget and builder took a while.

They eventually contacted Dreamland, a prestigious skatepark construction company, to design and build the park. After a few years, Klamath Falls Skatepark opened on the Steen Sports Park property in 2003 to wide acclaim.