How Tight Should Longboard Wheels Be?

Finding the sweet spot for your trucks, wheels, and bearings is one of the hardest parts of longboarding. Even just the slightest change in your setup and hardware can change your speed and control. So, how tight should longboard wheels be?

Longboard wheels should be tight enough that they can spin for up to 10 seconds by hand. Wheels that are too tight can restrict your movement and stop you from rolling on the pavement. Overly loose longboard wheels can slide down your truck axles which is dangerous and you’ll need to tighten them with a skate tool wrench.

It’s important to find the right balance and tightness that you are comfortable with. Longboard wheels last for at least 3-6 months even with regular riding, but only if you take care of them. Follow along as we explore how tight longboard wheels should be.

Does Wheel Tightness Impact Your Riding?

Wheel tightness is a big part of longboard speed and control. Overly tight wheels can reduce speed and movement whereas loose wheels make it difficult to maintain balance. Every longboarder is different, and it’s important to find the right balance.

I like my wheels to be loose enough that they slightly rattle if I shake my board. That gives me enough looseness to easily pump and turn without feeling stiff. However, everyone is different and it’s a good idea to keep a skate tool on hand to adjust wheel tightness as needed.

Read our related post: How Fast Can a Longboard Go?

What Happens When Your Longboard Wheels are too Tight?

Your longboard wheels won’t spin and move properly if they are too tight. It’s impossible to roll a long distance on a longboard with overly tightened wheels. You can tell that your longboard wheels are too tight if you try to shake your trucks by hand and the wheels don’t move.

Otherwise, you can tell that your wheels are too tight if you simply push on your longboard and fail to move forward. It can be dangerous to ride with wheels that are too tight because you may come to an unexpected stop.

What Happens When Your Longboard Wheels are Too Loose?

Longboard wheels that are too loose can vibrate and shake your truck axles. Shaky wheels make it difficult to control your movement and speed. This can also make it dangerous as your wheels can even fall off while in motion if they are too loose.

How to Tighten Longboard Wheels

All that you need to tighten longboard wheels is a simple skate tool. Skate tools include a wrench head that is meant specifically for wheels. Slide your skate wrench over the nut on each wheel in question and turn it clockwise to tighten your wheels.

This may take some time and practice to tighten your wheels to where they spin enough comfortably without being too loose.

How to Loosen Longboard Wheels

Simply turn your skate tool wrench counterclockwise to loosen your longboard wheels. Loosen your wheels to your liking without going too far. You can tell that your wheels are too loose if they shift on the truck axles. Loosen them to the point that they can spin for 10 seconds without rattling.

How Long Should Longboard Wheels Spin For?

Your longboard wheels should spin for up to 10 seconds. This indicates that your bearings are tight enough to be safe without restricting your wheel speed. Loosen your bearings or ride around to break them in if they are new and your wheels won’t spin for long enough.

How Long Do Longboard Wheels Last?

Longboard wheels can last as little as 3 months and as long as a year. It depends on what type of surface you ride on and how vigorously you longboard. For example, longboard wheels will have a shorter lifespan if you regularly roll on rough and cracked pavement or concrete.

Longboard wheels will also go bad quickly if they get wet and you don’t dry them. Always dry your longboard wheels and trucks if they get wet to extend their lifespan.

How Often Should You Be Replacing Your Longboard Wheels?

You should replace your longboard wheels every 3-6 months. However, this is only necessary if you ride frequently and put your wheels through a lot of stress. Longboard wheels eventually become dull and flat spots will appear.

It’s time to replace your longboard wheels as soon as you notice flat spots. Flat spots will stop you from rolling smoothly and they can slow you down. Luckily, it only costs between $24 and $60 to replace a set of longboard wheels.

How Tight Should Your Longboard Trucks Be?

Longboard truck tightness is a matter of preference. I have always preferred loose trucks over tight trucks for skateboarding and longboarding. Loose trucks make it easier to maneuver and pump whereas tight trucks offer more stability for tricks.

I tend to tighten my longboard trucks when working on tricks such as the boneless and street plants. Loose trucks are perfect for cruising on streets and sidewalks. Tight trucks are ideal for technical, high-speed longboarding.

Read our related post “How To Tighten Trucks on A Longboard” here. 

Final Thoughts

Longboard wheels should be tight enough that they can spin for 10 seconds and give you a generous range of motion. Overly loose wheels spin for too long and can slide down your truck axles which is dangerous. Keep a skate tool on you while longboarding so that you can tighten or loosen your wheels as needed. Turn the tool clockwise to tighten and counterclockwise you loosen your longboard wheels.

If you are looking to buy a new longboard you have to read our 10 Best Longboard Brands to help you find the best possible longboard for your personal style.