How Fast Can a Longboard Go?

Longboarding is just as fun for recreation as it is for transportation. With the right setup, you can traverse flat ground as easily as you can descend a hill. So, how can a longboard go?

A longboard can go between 8 and 12 miles per hour, on average. However, you can reach speeds up to 65 miles per hour or faster when longboarding downhill, but that can be dangerous for all skill levels. You can increase your speed on a longboard if you lubricate your bearings, install hard wheels, and loosen the axle nuts on your trucks.

The fastest recorded longboarding speed is 91.17 miles per hour. Carefully drag your back foot on the ground to slow down if you are going too fast for your comfort. Follow along as we explore how fast a longboard can go.

How Fast Can a Longboard Go on Flat Ground?

A longboard can go between 8 and 12 miles per hour on flat ground. You can go 5 miles per hour if you don’t want to ride too fast. However, you will struggle to stay in motion if you ride any slower than that.

How Fast Can a Longboard Go Downhill?

A longboard can go up to 65 miles per hour while riding downhill. You will likely reach speeds up to 40-50 miles per hour on a big enough hill. Longboards are built for speed and you will naturally go faster when you ride at an incline.

What Affects Your Longboarding Speed?

Wind Resistance

Wind resistance can slow your down while longboarding. You will likely find that you can longboard much faster if the wind is blowing behind you. Loose and baggy clothing can also hinder your speed on a windy day.


Inferior or old bearings will stop you from going as fast as you can on a longboard. You can increase your speed if you lubricate your bearings. Otherwise, there will be too much friction that will slow you down.

Read our related post on 10 Best Longboard Bearings here.


The density of your wheels can affect your speed as well. Choose hard wheels if you want to gain speed while longboarding. Soft wheels are great for cruising, but they don’t go as fast and they can bounce you if you drop off of a ledge while longboarding.

Read our related post 10 Best Wheels For Downhill Longboarding here.


Foot positioning is everything when it comes to speed and stability on a longboard. Your front foot should be positioned slightly before the front truck. Place your back foot either over the back truck or on the tail to ride fast.

Type of Pavement

Smooth pavement and concrete are conducive to fast longboarding. You will struggle to maintain a good speed if you constantly roll over cracks and pebbles. Longboarders don’t have to push as often on concrete.


Pumping is when you squat down and rise as you meet the bottom of an incline before ascending to gain speed. This is most common in skateparks where you can ride in bowls. However, longboards aren’t ideal for bowls, so you can apply this technique to riding downhill.


Pushing is the easiest way to gain and maintain speed when longboarding. All that you need to do is push forward on the pavement with your back foot. Pushing is unnecessary when you longboard downhill.

What’s the Fasted Recorded Speed on a Longboard?

The fastest recorded speed on a longboard is 91.17 miles per hour. Since 2017, this has been the standing longboard speed record. This record was set by Peter Conolly when longboarding downhill.

Is Longboarding or Skateboarding Faster?

Longboarding is faster on average than skateboarding. Skateboards can only go as fast as 5-12 miles per hour. Both flat ground and downhill longboarding speeds are faster than skateboarding.

Is it Dangerous to Go Fast on a Longboard?

Going fast on a longboard can be dangerous, especially if you ride downhill. High speeds can make it harder to stop and turn, so you shouldn’t do it unless there aren’t many obstacles in your path. Going too fast on a longboard is unsafe if you are riding on a busy sidewalk or a road with cars.

It is most dangerous to go fast if you are longboarding in the rain or on a wet surface.

How Do You Slow Down When Longboarding?

The best way to slow down when longboarding is to put your back foot on the ground. Keep your front foot on the board to maintain balance. Ideally, you should drag your foot on the ground so that you don’t come to an abrupt stop. Otherwise, you can firmly plant your back foot on the ground to stop quickly.

Should You Wear Protective Equipment When Longboarding?

Yes, you should wear at least a helmet if not other protective equipment when longboarding. Elbow pads and knee pads are also necessary when longboarding if you plan to ride fast.

How Can You Make Your Longboard Faster?

You can make your longboard faster with the right setup. Install trucks that measure 180 millimeters to go faster without losing control. Wheels between 70 and 80 millimeters offer the most speed. Bronson Speed Bearings and Bones are the best bearings for a fast longboarding setup.

What Are Some Longboarding Tips to Go Faster?

Place your front foot in the middle of the board between both sets of trucks and push with your back foot to go faster. Put your back foot on the back trucks just before the tail. Continue to push until you reach your desired speed.

Shift your weight as you move to speed up or slow down as you ride. You may also need to replace your trucks and bearings to go faster if they are 6-12 months old or older. Loosen the axle nuts on your trucks if they are too tight or you won’t be able to go as fast.

What is Speed Wobble When Longboarding?

Speed wobble is when your back wheels start to wobble and turn but your front wheels stay straight. This is an easy way to lose control while longboarding, and it happens when you go too fast downhill. It’s important to wear protective gear because you will likely wipe out if you experience speed wobble.

Check out this speed wobbling video to understand the dangers of high speeds on a longboard:

Final Thoughts

The average longboard can go 8-12 miles per hour on flat ground. However, you can go as fast as 65-70 miles per hour if you longboard downhill. Put your back foot on the back truck and your front foot just before the front truck to go fast. Make sure to pump and push with your back foot to maintain speed as you ride.

If you are looking for the best longboard you need to check out our 10 Best Longboard Brands post here, you will learn all you need to know to help you choose the best longboard for your style.