How Tight Should Longboard Wheels Be?

How Tight Should Longboard Wheels Be?

Finding the sweet spot for your trucks, wheels, and bearings is one of the hardest parts of longboarding. Even just the slightest change in your setup and hardware can change your speed and control. So, how tight should longboard wheels be? Longboard wheels should be tight enough that they can spin for up to 10 … Read more

19 Best Longboard Brands in 2023

Best Longboard Brands

It’s never been so difficult to pick out a longboard. That is because the market is saturated with countless longboards that vary in shape, style, and graphics. Some brands stand out among the pack, however. Consider factors such as the style, type, and size of the longboard that best suits your personality. Cruisers and freestyle … Read more

Penny Board vs Longboard | What’s the Difference?

Penny Board vs Longboard | What’s the Difference?

Choosing from the selection at your local skate shop or favorite online vendor can be difficult. It can be confusing to distinguish between skateboards, longboards, and Penny Boards for many people. Even some seasoned skaters struggle with the classic Penny Board vs. longboard debate. So, what’s the difference? Penny Boards are lightweight and made of … Read more

How Fast Can a Longboard Go?

How Fast Can a Longboard Go?

Longboarding is just as fun for recreation as it is for transportation. With the right setup, you can traverse flat ground as easily as you can descend a hill. So, how can a longboard go? A longboard can go between 8 and 12 miles per hour, on average. However, you can reach speeds up to … Read more

Can You Longboard in The Rain?

Can You Longboard in The Rain?

Longboarding is the perfect mixture of fun, leisure, and transportation. It can be tempting to take your longboard out in every type of weather condition, but that isn’t always a good idea. So, can you longboard in the rain? You can longboard in the rain, but it can damage your trucks, bearings, and hardware. Longboarding … Read more

What Muscles Does Longboarding Work?

What Muscles Does Longboarding Work?

It’s no secret that longboarding is more popular than ever, and that’s because of how fun it is. Not only is longboarding a blast, but it’s also a great workout. So, what muscles does longboarding work? Longboarding can work muscles such as your calves, front quadriceps, and abdomen. You can also work your biceps and … Read more