You should not skate in running shoes because the soles aren’t flat. Skate shoes have flat soles that make it easy to grip the board and support your feet when you land a trick. Skateboarding can damage running shoes because of the grip tape as they are made of nylon and polyester instead of leather or suede.
You can skate in running shoes, but it’s quite uncomfortable and you will likely damage them. However, you can run in skate shoes, you just won’t get as much support as if you wear running shoes. Follow along as we explore whether or not you can skate in running shoes and highlight how they differ from skate shoes.
Skate Shoes vs Running Shoes
The Sole (Outsole)
The main difference between skate and running shoes is that skate shoes have flat soles. A flat sole is necessary for you to properly grip a skateboard with your feet. Running shoes feature arched soles that are quite uncomfortable to skate in.
The sole of a running shoe can even damage the grip tape on your skateboard. Flat soles also help protect your feet when you land a trick, especially if you jump and land on your board.
Shoe Width
Skate shoes are often wider than running shoes. Brands like DC, Osiris, and Etnies are known for their wide skate shoes. Running shoes are typically narrow and hug your feet tightly.
However, you can find narrow skate shoes. For example, Vans makes many shoes that are narrow like running shoes but feature flat soles. Many skaters prefer wide shoes because they can help cushion your feet when you land tricks.
The Material
Running shoes are typically made of nylon or polyester. These breathable materials are perfect for running because they can make your feet sweat less. Skate shoes are often made of leather, but many brands, such as Vans, use suede.
Adidas makes both running shoes and skate shoes. Their skate shoes are made of Ethylene Vinyl Acetate which makes them perfect for both running and skating.
Shoe Durability
Running shoes and skate shoes are effectively equal when it comes to durability. Skate shoes and running shoes both last as little as 6 months if you use them frequently. Both running shoes and skate shoes can last for 3-6 months if you run or skate daily.
However, skate shoes are more durable than running shoes when it comes to skating. Running shoes simply cannot withstand damage from the grip tape on your skateboard. You will find that the sides of your running shoes are stripped if you regularly skate in them.
Running shoes offer more support than skate shoes for walking and running. However, you get more support from skate shoes than running shoes when skating. The slightly arched sole of many running shoes is perfect for running, but it can alter your stance and stop you from doing tricks on a skateboard.
Skate shoes also offer plenty of support if you drop from a ledge or land a trick. The arch of running shoes can hurt your feet if you land a flip trick, especially if you jump down stairs.
Shoe Design
Shoe design is where skate shoes and running shoes most obviously differ. Running shoes are designed to be sleek and athletic. Conversely, skate shoes are usually bulky and wide.
Skate shoes also come in bolder designs. Look no further than brands like Osiris which are known for their unique design and bright colors. However, brands like Adidas SB bridge the gap between skating and running shoes with more athletic designs.
What’s it Like to Skate in Running Shoes?
It’s difficult to maintain good footing when you skate in running shoes. You will struggle to pop down on the tail and slide your leading foot up the nose to perform a trick, such as an ollie or a kick flip. Running shoes also make it hard for your to catch your foot on the board because they aren’t ideal for grip tape.
Can I Skateboard in Basketball Shoes?
You can skateboard in basketball shoes, but it is highly inadvisable. Basketball shoes don’t have flat enough bottoms which are essential for skating. The sides of basketball shoes aren’t ideal for flicking your foot to flip the boards.
They are also typically more expensive than skate shoes, so you will effectively waste them. The grip tape on your skateboard can and will wear down your basketball shoes, and you’ll need to replace them.
Does Skateboarding Ruin Your Shoes?
Unfortunately, skateboarding can ruin your shoes. Casual skating doesn’t quickly ruin shoes but performing tricks will quickly wear them out. Grip tape is rough and can quickly wear down the sides of your shoes.
The sole can also suffer from impact, grip tape, and body weight. Flip tricks quickly ruin skate shoes in as little as 3-6 months. However, cruisers and bowl skaters may be able to get more time out of a pair of shoes.
Can You Wear Skate Shoes Casually?
You can wear skate shoes casually, and it’s quite common. However, it’s worthwhile to keep an extra pair of skate shoes for casual use that you don’t skate in. That way, you won’t have to worry about getting your casual skate shoes dirty which isn’t good for your grip tape.
However, I occasionally skate in my casual skate shoes as long as they aren’t too dirty. Walking around in skate shoes is quite comfortable, but they aren’t ideal for long hours. Avoid wearing skate shoes at work because they will wear out quickly.
Are Skate Shoes Good for Walking?
Skate shoes are good for walking, but they aren’t ideal for wearing to work depending on your job. The average skate shoe is designed specifically to aid in performing tricks and support grip tape. Many skate shoes are comfortable, but they aren’t ideal for walking around all day.
In my own experience, skate shoes aren’t great for an 8-hour shift of walking around at work. However, they are perfect for a day out running errands or a stroll around the neighborhood.
Can You Run in Skate Shoes?
You can run in skate shoes, but you shouldn’t use them as your runners for your daily jogging. Skate shoes offer less support than running shoes, but they aren’t uncomfortable to run in. Slim skate shoes, such as old-school Vans are better for running than a bulky pair of DC shoes. Overall, only run in them if you need to, tie them tight if you do!
Can You Wear Skateboard Shoes to the Gym?
There is nothing wrong with wearing skate shoes to the gym. They will only hinder your performance if it’s leg day and you run on the treadmill. It’s ideal to wear comfortable shoes to the gym, and skate shoes are often quite comfortable. Don’t hesitate to wear skate shoes to the gym, especially if you are working on your upper body. Just make sure they are clean!
Final Thoughts
Avoid skating in running shoes. The soles aren’t flat enough so you will struggle to maintain good footing on the board. Skate shoes are designed to withstand the wear and tear that comes from the grip tape. It’s possible to run in skating shoes, however, but you won’t get as much support without an arched sole.
If you are interested in learning more about skateboard shoes and clothes you need to read What To Wear Skateboarding (The Ultimate Guide).
Nick Durante is a professional writer that primarily focused on action sports. Skateboarding and Longboarding are his particular areas of expertise. When he isn’t writing about action sports, he is catching up on the world of skateboarding and spending time outside.