Can You Longboard in The Rain?

Longboarding is the perfect mixture of fun, leisure, and transportation. It can be tempting to take your longboard out in every type of weather condition, but that isn’t always a good idea. So, can you longboard in the rain?

You can longboard in the rain, but it can damage your trucks, bearings, and hardware. Longboarding in the rain is also dangerous because your wheels will lose traction which makes it harder to turn and stop, it will be slippery. Coat your longboard’s deck with polyurethane to minimize water damage and use cheap bearings because they are likely to rust.

Dry your trucks and wheels by hand or leave your longboard out in the sun if it gets wet. This can help minimize damage, but it may be too late in some cases. Follow along as we explore what you can expect if you longboard in the rain and highlight why it’s not ideal.

Is it Dangerous to Longboard in the Rain?

It can be dangerous to longboard in the rain. Your wheels will lose traction and your hardware can easily become rusty. The metal components of a longboard include the trucks, bearings, and the screws that tether the trucks to the deck. Rusty hardware can make your wheels move more slowly or even get stuck while in motion.

Slick roads and sidewalks aren’t ideal for longboarding. Traffic incidents are more common in the rain, and that means that longboarding near lots of cars can be extra dangerous.

How Does the Rain Affect the Grip on A Longboard Deck?

Grip tape will quickly weaken in the rain, and you will need to replace it eventually. Longboards can get wet without fully losing grip, but you’ll experience problems if it happens frequently. The grip tape is just as important as the wheels, trucks, and bearings.

Your grip tape will lose its gritty texture each time it gets wet and dries. Try to minimize how often you longboard in the rain so that your grip tape stays strong. Don’t try to blow dry your grip tape to dry it out or you risk damaging the adhesive.

How Does the Rain Affect the Wheel Grip on the Concrete When Longboarding?

Your wheels lose traction when longboarding in the rain or on wet concrete. Without traction, you can’t stop or turn as easily as you would on dry ground. This can be quite dangerous, especially if you are longboarding in an area with lots of traffic.

Can Your Longboard Get Wet?

A longboard can get wet, but it’s not good for the deck or hardware. Ideally, you should dry your trucks with a towel after your longboard gets wet so that they don’t get rusty. Leave your longboard out in the sun if it’s an option with the grip tape facing up. This will help remove the moisture from the deck and grip tape.

Does Water Damage Your Longboard Bearings?

Water is the easiest way to damage your longboard bearings. Typically, longboard bearings can last a year or more without getting wet. However, you will need to replace your bearings in 6 months or less if they frequently get wet. It can be unsafe to go longboarding if your bearings are rusty and corroded.

Is there a Longboard Setup that’s Best for Riding in Wet Conditions?

Use a waterproof longboard if you plan to ride when it’s wet or raining.  Waterproof longboards are generally made of sturdy wood that is coated to protect against moisture. Many of them also feature rubber bearings and hardware.

You can also waterproof an existing longboard if you apply a coat of polyurethane to the deck. However, this won’t help to protect your trucks, bearings, and hardware. Use cheap bearings if you frequently ride in wet conditions so that you don’t have to replace an expensive set.

Safety Precautions to Take When Longboarding in The Rain

Avoid busy roads when longboarding in the rain. It can be harder to stop when the road is slick, so you must be more cautious about traffic. You can also maximize safety if you wear bright colors to increase your visibility. Make sure to at least wear a helmet if not knee and elbow pads as well.

Can You Ride Longboards in the Snow?

You should not ride longboards in the snow. It is potentially more dangerous than longboarding in the rain in most cases, and it comes with more hazards. Roads and sidewalks are often salty when it snows which can also be bad for your wheels, trucks, and bearings.

Final Thoughts – Should You Longboard in the Rain?

You shouldn’t longboard in the rain because it is dangerous. It’s harder to turn and stop in the rain with a longboard because your wheels lose traction. Avoid traffic if you longboard in the rain because it’s harder to navigate roads and sidewalks. Coat your longboard with polyurethane to protect your longboard if you live in a rainy area and can’t avoid it.

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