5 Best Skateboarding Camps in Australia

Australia is home to no shortage of impressive professional skateboarders. Whether it be Tas Pappas or Shane O’Neill, Australia is known for many professionals that started their careers as young skaters. The spirit of young, impressive skateboarders is alive and well in Australia in the form of impressive camps. So, what are the best skateboarding camps in Australia?

Monster Camp and Slam Factory School Holiday Camp are among the best skateboarding camps in Australia. Skateboarding camps like Megaranch Skate Camp and Rampfest Skate School are certainly up there too. Woodward Sydney opens in 2024, but it will become the best skateboarding camp in Australia as the progress photos are incredible.

Some skateboarding camps, such as Megaranch Skate Camp, strictly focus on vert skating. Other camps, like Slam Factory School Holiday Camp and Monster Camp teach basic street and vert skating skills. Follow along as we explore the 5 best skateboarding camps in Australia and highlight what makes them special.

5 Best Skateboarding Camps in Australia

1. Woodward Sydney

Location: Castle Towers Shopping Centre, 22 Showground Road, Castle Hill NSW 2154

Website: www.woodwardsydney.com.au

Woodward Sydney is undeniably the best skateboarding camp in Australia, and it hasn’t even opened yet. It makes sense as Woodward Sydney is an offshoot of Camp Woodward in the United States. Still under construction, the progress pictures show that Woodward Sydney is just as large and impressive as their U.S. locations.

They have released fly-through videos showing the impressive ramps and courses on the property. Opening in 2024, Woodward Sydney is sure to make as big of an impact on the skateboarding scene as the original Camp Woodward in the U.S. Luckily, there are several nice skateboarding camps in Australia that are open, but none are as impressive as the upcoming Woodward Sydney.

2. Monster Camp


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Location: 1A Grand Parade, Sydney Olympic Park NSW 2127, Australia

Phone: +61 2 8459 7433

Website: monsterskatepark.com/camps/

Don’t let the name scare you away as Monster Camp is one of the best skateboarding camps in Australia. This comprehensive skateboarding camp runs from 8am to 5pm and includes helpful instruction for most of the day. At the end of the day, campers get an hour to freely test their new skills under their instructor’s supervision.

It also includes field trips to nearby skateparks in the area. You get access to ramps and standard street obstacles which caters to campers that like both vert and street skating.

Here is how a day at Monster Skatepark camp goes:

  1. The day starts with drop-off at your preferred transportation location between 8:00 am and 8:30 am. Then, between 8:00 am and 9:30 am, the buses will take you to the Hub Park of the Day.
  2. From 9:30 am to 10:30 am, you’ll receive morning coaching at the Hub Park. After that, there will be a provided morning tea break at 10:30 am.
  3. Between 10:45 am and 1:00 pm, you’ll have more coaching at the Hub Park of the Day or go out on a skatepark tour. Lunch is provided at 1:00 pm at the Hub Park or on tour.
  4. The afternoon coaching session will be on tour from 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm. Then, you’ll have an afternoon tea break at 4:00 pm.
  5. Between 4:30 pm and 5:00 pm, there will be supervised free time, and the buses will start traveling back to transportation locations to return the campers between 4:00 pm and 5:30 pm.
  6. Finally, pick up time will be between 5:00 pm and 5:30 pm

See all the details on their website.

3. Slam Factory School Holiday Camp

Location: 93 Gavenlock Road, Tuggerah, NSW, Australia, New South Wales

Phone: (02) 4355 1557

Website: slamfactory.com.au

The Slam Factory School Holiday Camp is among the best skateboarding camps in Australia for young children. Located in Tuggerah, they accept students as young as 5 years old which is younger than most skateboarding camps. The best thing about this camp is that you don’t have to commit to a long stay.

They offer 1-day camps and 3-day camps for you to choose from. It’s also cool that they offer skateboarding, scootering, BMX, and roller blade camp options.

A day is approximately 3 hours long, you will receive professional coaching in either groups of 8 or 12 maximum depending on the camp you choose. There will be skatepark games, drills, and equipment sessions to help kids learn and entertained.

4. Megaranch Skate Camp

Location: South Gippsland, Victoria

Email: Megaranch@gmail.com

Website: www.megaranchaustralia.com

Victoria’s Megaranch Skate Camp is a sight to behold. The beautiful natural surroundings combined with the sheer size of the ramps on the property live up to this skate camp’s name. The location has a mega ramp, which is so cool.

Because of the size of the ramps on the ranch, this isn’t necessarily the best skateboarding camp for beginners.

They do have some smaller ramps that are indoors to teach young inexperienced skaters the basics of vert skating, however. This is a strictly vert skateboarding camp, and it’s the best example of vert skating in Australia. Camp tuition starts at $900 AUD, and it gives you access to experienced instructors and some of the best ramps in Australia.

5. Rampfest Skate School

Address: 47-85 Hillary St, Braybrook VIC 3019

Phone: (03) 9311 3998

Website: rampfest.com.au

Whether you’ve never stepped foot on a skateboard or you have a few months of experience, Rampfest Skate School in Melbourne is worth checking out.

They offer these lessons:

  • First Time Skateboarder
  • Beginner Skateboarder
  • Intermediate Skateboarder
  • Adult Skate Lessons
  • Private Lessons and Advanced Coaching

Rampfest puts an emphasis on one-on-one instruction which helps to instill the basics.

This indoor skatepark is impressive and has many nice ramps and flat-ground courses. For their 8 week school/camp, tuition starts as little as $250 AUD. Rampfest is also different from other skateboarding camps in that they offer private sessions for adults for only $35 AUD per session.

What to Consider When Signing Up for a Skateboard Camp

Is Overnight Stay Included or Just Daily Sessions

While some skateboarding camps include overnight stays, most of them only offer daily sessions. Skateboarding camps typically run from the morning until the afternoon. However, other skateboarding camps have cabins or dorm-style rooms for their campers.

Daily session skateboarding camps are much cheaper than those that include overnight boarding. That is because overnight skateboarding camps have to feed the campers three times per day and keep staff on-site at all times. You can typically get just as much skateboarding experience out of a daily camp as you would from one that you stay overnight.

The key difference is that staying overnight at skateboarding camp can make the experience even more fun and memorable.

Skill Level

A camper’s skill level ultimately determines what they will get out of skateboarding camp. Most skateboarding camps cater to campers that have limited skating experience. However, many of them offer separate tiers based on skill level ranging from beginner to advanced.

Skateboarding camps typically accept campers between the ages of 8 and 16, but it varies based on the camp. Camps with small groups are often the best for beginners as they get more one-on-one instruction.

If your skills are among the bets in the world its possible you could end up competing in the largest skateboard competitions in the world someday, maybe even the Olympics.

Type of Skateboarding

You can find vert and street skateboarding camps as well as camps that combine both styles. Most skateboarding camps are held at skateparks or at least visit skateparks. This means that you will typically have access to street obstacles as well as ramps and bowls.

Campers can opt out of things that they are uncomfortable with, such as ramps and rails. Look into camps that focus on either vert or street skating if you only want to focus on one style. With that said, it helps to learn a mixture of multiple skateboarding styles so that you can skate at any park you come across.

Group Size

Group size is an important factor to consider when you choose between skateboarding camps. Smaller groups ensure that you will get individual instruction whereas larger groups help you better learn skatepark etiquette. Not all skateboarding camps tell you the group size, so you may have to contact them and ask.

Read our related post on the 10 best skateboarding camps in the USA here!

Final Thoughts

Monster Camp and Slam Factory School Holiday Camp are currently the best skateboarding camps in Australia. With that said, Woodward Sydney is posed to be the best skateboarding camp in Australia when it opens in 2024. It is a spin off of the Camp Woodward locations in the United States which are considered the best skateboarding camps in the United States.

Megaranch Skate Camp and Rampfest Skate School are also some of the best skateboarding camps in Australia. Rampfest Skate School is one of the top skateparks that offers lessons for adults as well as children.