Can You Longboard in The Rain?

Can You Longboard in The Rain?

Longboarding is the perfect mixture of fun, leisure, and transportation. It can be tempting to take your longboard out in every type of weather condition, but that isn’t always a good idea. So, can you longboard in the rain? You can longboard in the rain, but it can damage your trucks, bearings, and hardware. Longboarding … Read more

What Muscles Does Longboarding Work?

What Muscles Does Longboarding Work?

It’s no secret that longboarding is more popular than ever, and that’s because of how fun it is. Not only is longboarding a blast, but it’s also a great workout. So, what muscles does longboarding work? Longboarding can work muscles such as your calves, front quadriceps, and abdomen. You can also work your biceps and … Read more

What Muscles Does Skateboarding Work?

What Muscles Does Skateboarding Work?

Millions of people in the world have embraced skateboarding as a means of transportation and recreation. Not only is skateboarding fun, but it’s also a great way to get in shape. So, what muscles does skateboarding work? Skateboarding works muscles such as your glutes, front quadriceps, hamstrings, and calves whether you skate vert or street. … Read more